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Sunday 9 September 2012

How to Remove or Disable Facebook Timeline and Get Old Profile

If you have activated facebook timeline and now you want to remove facebook timeline and get the old profile back then just follow the below given simple steps :
Step 1 – First Login to your Facebook Account and then go to Facebook Developers Page .
Step 2 – Now Click on Edit App .
remove facebook timeline 1 How to Remove or Disable Facebook Timeline and Get Old Profile Step 3 – After Clicking on Edit App you will get option of Delete App now click on Delete App .
remove facebook timeline 2 How to Remove or Disable Facebook Timeline and Get Old Profile Step 4 – Now Facebook will ask to Confirm that you want to delete the App .
remove facebook timeline 31 How to Remove or Disable Facebook Timeline and Get Old Profile Step  5 – After Clicking on Confirm you will get Confirmation message that App has been Deleted.
remove facebook time line How to Remove or Disable Facebook Timeline and Get Old Profile Step 6 – Thats it ! Your facebook Timeline will be disabled and you will get your old Facebook Profile Bac

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