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Tuesday 21 August 2012

Use Timed Links for Secure Online Messaging

Everyone, at some point, has probably sent an email, Facebook message or even a text message that they later came to regret. Unfortunately, once an online message is sent, most services don’t allow you to un-send it nor delete it. For more security when sending online emails and other notes, you can use a time out messaging link.

Need to send something that’s a bit confidential or secure? or want to send a note to someone that they will only be able to open once, but not save to their inbox or email servers?
The website Burn Note makes this process quite simple. To get started, jump to the homepage. There, you will be presented with a very basic interface, similar in design to a standard note card.
Burn Note Website
This service is extremely simple to use. Start by entering a note into the Enter a message: section.
Burn Note Joke
Once you have composed the basic note, click the Options button to configure security options for that specific note. Configurable settings include copy protection, timed note deletion and password option.
Note Options
Adjust each optional setting to your preferences for the specific note and click the Options button to minimize the settings. Next, click the SEND button.
From here, the website will generate a secure link to the note. Click the COPY LINK button to copy the link.
Copy Link Burn Note
That’s basically all there is to it. Now, you can simply copy this link and email it, Google + message it, Facebook message it, etc… When the recipient clicks the link, they will be able to view the text note.
However, the note will be applied with the security options that you setup in the previous step. So, when the recipient navigates the URL, they will be presented with the following:
Burn Note Recipient
When they click the VIEW button, they will be presented with the note, and also a Respond option so that they can reply to the burn note.
burn note opened
That’s all there is to it for using the Burn Note service, which offers a way to email or online message expiring links. However, the website also has an accounts option for anyone that uses a service like this frequently. Signing up and creating an account with Burn Note provides you with more, additional options and note management. However, it is not necessary for creating basic notes.
Thank you for stopping by the site for today’s post. There are a few other websites that are similar in purpose to Burn Note. However, Burn Note is among the simplest secure link generators that also provides more specific options to destruct the note.

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