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Monday 20 August 2012

View Your Google Maps Search History

I recently discovered something cool about Google Maps that I didn’t know existed. A few weeks back, I had searched for a local restaurant that a friend told me about and now that I had some free time to go check it out, I could not remember the name of the place! Since I didn’t search for it in Google, it didn’t show up in my Google web history, which is the first place I checked.
So then, I went to Google Maps and tried to figure out how to see my maps search history. There was nothing obvious on the main home page for Google Maps, so I clicked around for about 10 minutes until I happened to find it. In this article, I’ll quickly show you how to view your Google Maps search history, which can be convenient for seeing what directions you searched for and what places you searched for.
First, go to Google Maps and then click on the My Places button. Make sure that you are logged into your Google account.
my places google maps
This will load up any custom maps you have created and also all of your maps search history. It’s pretty much as easy as that! Not very hard to get to, but definitely not something I had ever noticed before. It would have been nice if they kept the search history under a different heading as My Places sounds more like a place to find my custom maps, not my search history.
google maps history
Simply click on any of the history items and it’ll either bring up the directions or the location on the map.
maps placemark
So that’s our simple tip of the day. Of course, for your history to show up at all, you have to be logged into your Google account while using Google Maps. If not, then you won’t be seeing any previous search history. Enjoy!

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