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Tuesday 21 August 2012

View Full Sized Thumbnail Images on the Web the Easy Way

When browsing Facebook, Google +, Tumblr, Pinterest and the web in general, you likely run across thumbnail images quite frequently, as most websites now incorporate them into their design. These thumbnail images are great for their function in web design, but when you, the visitor wants to view the image in full size or greater detail, that is sometimes a pain.
Facebook Thumbnails
For example, when you run across a thumbnail image that is unlinked, non-clickable, linked with restrictions or otherwise restricted, you might try right-clicking on the image and selecting view image from the context menu. Sometimes this simple trick does let you view the full-sized image, but many times, it simply brings you to a page containing the thumbnail with it’s same dimensions.
Link from Zelda
Here’s a quick tip for viewing thumbnails in full size the simple way. To get started, launch either the Firefox or Google Chrome web browser. From there, proceed to install one of the following plugins, according to what browser you are using.
For this tutorial, we will be demoing the Firefox add-on. However, Chrome users can still follow along, as the Hover Zoom extension for Chrome does basically the same thing.
With the Thumbnail Zoom Plus Firefox add-on successfully installed, navigate the path Firefox > Add-ons > Extensions.
Firefox Extensions
Next, click the Options button for the Thumbnail Zoom Plus listing. The following options will then be presented:
Thumbnail Zoom Options
On this screen, you can of course setup the advanced zoom and thumbnail settings, but also note the Enable or disable per site listing, which allows you to toggle on/off websites which will be supported by the add-on. Proceed to check/uncheck the websites that you visit. Click the OK button to proceed.
That’s basically all there is to it for configuration, now let’s test this plugin out. You can of course test the plugin on any websites that you selected in the previous step, but for simplicity, let’s just try out how the plugin works with Facebook.
Now, whenever you hover over a thumbnail on a supported website, the zoom will automatically engage, displaying a more full-sized image.
Facebook Zoom Enabled
As you can tell from the above screenshot, the image is rendered simply in a preview window next to the thumbnail. Additionally, the link to the page and the magnification level (percentage of actual image) is displayed towards the bottom of the preview image.
Thank you for stopping by the site for today’s post which provides a very simple way to make web browsing more effective and slightly less annoying. With the several, popular websites that these plugins support, they can make browsing your favorite social networks and websites more fluid. Although these plugins have a very simple function, they are most likely something you will install now, and later realize how much of a convenience and help they actually are

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